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Supported Types - Kotlin SDK

On this page

  • Supported Data Types List
  • Unique Identifiers
  • ObjectId
  • RealmUUID
  • MutableRealmInt (Counter)
  • RealmInstant (Timestamp)
  • RealmAny (Mixed)
  • Collections as Mixed
  • Collection Types
  • RealmList
  • RealmSet
  • RealmMap/RealmDictionary
  • RealmObjects as Properties
  • RealmObjects
  • Backlinks
  • EmbeddedRealmObject
  • Geospatial Types
  • Enums

This page describes the supported data types that you can use to define properties in your object model. For more information on how to define your object model, refer to Define an Object Model.

To learn how specific data types are mapped to BSON types in an App Services Schema, refer to Data Model Mapping in the Atlas App Services documentation.

The Kotlin SDK supports the following Kotlin types, BSON types, and Realm-specific types, which you can use for unique identifiers, timestamps, counters, and collections.

The Kotlin SDK does not natively support:

  • user-defined enumeration properties. Refer to the Enums section for more information on how to use enums in your Realm objects.

  • Kotlin's built-in Date or Instant. Refer to the RealmInstant section for more information on how to use timestamps in your Realm objects.

Realm object properties must be mutable and initialized when declared. The Kotlin SDK does not currently support abstract properties. You can declare properties optional (nullable) using the built-in ? Kotlin operator, or you can assign a default value to a property when you declare it.


Realm stores all non-decimal numeric types as Long values and all decimal numeric types as Double values.

Kotlin Data Types

The following table lists the supported Kotlin data types and examples of how to declare them as required or optional properties in your object model.

Kotlin Data Type
var stringReq: String = ""
var stringOpt: String? = null
var byteReq: Byte = 0
var byteOpt: Byte? = null
var shortReq: Short = 0
var shortOpt: Short? = null
var intReq: Int = 0
var intOpt: Int? = null
var longReq: Long = 0L
var longOpt: Long? = null
var floatReq: Float = 0.0f
var floatOpt: Float? = null
var doubleReq: Double = 0.0
var doubleOpt: Double? = null
var boolReq: Boolean = false
var boolOpt: Boolean? = null
var charReq: Char = 'a'
var charOpt: Char? = null

MongoDB BSON Types

The following table lists the supported MongoDB BSON data types and examples of how to declare them as required or optional properties in your object model. To use these types, you must import them from the org.mongodb.kbson package.

MongoDB BSON Type
var objectIdReq: ObjectId = ObjectId()
var objectIdOpt: ObjectId? = null
var decimal128Req: Decimal128 = Decimal128("123.456")
var decimal128Opt: Decimal128? = null

Realm-Specific Types

The following table lists the supported Realm-specific data types and examples of how to declare them as required or optional properties in your object model.

Realm-Specific Type
var uuidReq: RealmUUID = RealmUUID.random()
var uuidOpt: RealmUUID? = null
var realmInstantReq: RealmInstant =
var realmInstantOpt: RealmInstant? = null
var realmAnyOpt: RealmAny? = RealmAny.create("foo")
var mutableRealmIntReq: MutableRealmInt = MutableRealmInt.create(0)
var mutableRealmIntOpt: MutableRealmInt? = null
var listReq: RealmList<CustomObjectType> = realmListOf()
var setReq: RealmSet<String> = realmSetOf()
var dictionaryReq: RealmDictionary<String> = realmDictionaryOf()
var realmObjectPropertyOpt: CustomObjectType? = null
var embeddedProperty: EmbeddedObjectType? = null

The Kotlin SDK supports UUID and ObjectId as unique identifiers for Realm objects.


Using UUID Instead of ObjectId

In general, you can use UUID for any fields that function as a unique identifier. Using UUID might be particularly useful if you are migrating data not stored in MongoDB since it is likely that your object's unique identifiers are already of a UUID type. Alternatively, using ObjectId might be useful for a collection of data that already exists in MongoDB.

ObjectId is a MongoDB-specific BSON type. It is a 12-byte, globally unique value that you can use as an identifier for objects. It is nullable, indexable, and can be used as a primary key.

You can initialize an ObjectId using ObjectId().


io.realm.kotlin.types.ObjectId Deprecated in v1.5.0

In Realm Kotlin SDK version 1.5.0 and newer, io.realm.kotlin.types.ObjectId is deprecated. You must import ObjectId from org.mongodb.kbson.ObjectId instead.

UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) is a 16-byte unique value that you can use as an identifier for objects. It is nullable, indexable, and can be used as a primary key.

Realm creates UUIDs with the RealmUUID type that conform to RFC 4122 version 4 and are created with random bytes.

You can generate a random RealmUUID using RealmUUID.random() or pass a UUID-formatted string to RealmUUID.from():

val uuid1 = RealmUUID.from("46423f1b-ce3e-4a7e-812f-004cf9c42d76")
val uuid2 = RealmUUID.random()

The Kotlin SDK offers MutableRealmInt as a special integer type that you can use as a logical counter to accurately synchronize numeric changes across multiple distributed clients. It behaves like a Long but also supports increment and decrement methods that implement a conflict-free replicated data type. This ensures that numeric updates can be executed regardless of order to converge to the same value.

A MutableRealmInt property:

  • cannot be used as a primary key

  • cannot store null values, but it can be declared nullable (MutableRealmInt?)

Additionally, MutableRealmInt fields:

  • are backed by Kotlin's numeric types, so no migration is required when changing a numeric field to MutableRealmInt.

  • can use operators and infix functions similar to those provided by Long. However, note that any operations other than set, increment, and decrement do not mutate the instance on which they are executed. Instead, they create a new, unmanaged MutableRealmInt instance with the updated value.

Learn how to Create a MutableRealmInt (Counter) Property and Update a MutableRealmInt (Counter) Property.

You cannot store Kotlin's built-in Date or Instant types in Realm.

Instead, the Kotlin SDK uses the RealmInstant type to store time information as a Unix epoch timestamp.

If you need timestamp data in a form other than RealmInstant, you can add conversion code to your model class based on the following example:

// model class that stores an Instant (kotlinx-datetime) field as a RealmInstant via a conversion
class RealmInstantConversion : RealmObject {
private var _timestamp: RealmInstant = RealmInstant.from(0, 0)
public var timestamp: Instant
get() {
return _timestamp.toInstant()
set(value) {
_timestamp = value.toRealmInstant()
fun RealmInstant.toInstant(): Instant {
val sec: Long = this.epochSeconds
// The value always lies in the range `-999_999_999..999_999_999`.
// minus for timestamps before epoch, positive for after
val nano: Int = this.nanosecondsOfSecond
return if (sec >= 0) { // For positive timestamps, conversion can happen directly
Instant.fromEpochSeconds(sec, nano.toLong())
} else {
// For negative timestamps, RealmInstant starts from the higher value with negative
// nanoseconds, while Instant starts from the lower value with positive nanoseconds
// TODO This probably breaks at edge cases like MIN/MAX
Instant.fromEpochSeconds(sec - 1, 1_000_000 + nano.toLong())
fun Instant.toRealmInstant(): RealmInstant {
val sec: Long = this.epochSeconds
// The value is always positive and lies in the range `0..999_999_999`.
val nano: Int = this.nanosecondsOfSecond
return if (sec >= 0) { // For positive timestamps, conversion can happen directly
RealmInstant.from(sec, nano)
} else {
// For negative timestamps, RealmInstant starts from the higher value with negative
// nanoseconds, while Instant starts from the lower value with positive nanoseconds
// TODO This probably breaks at edge cases like MIN/MAX
RealmInstant.from(sec + 1, -1_000_000 + nano)

Changed in version 2.0.0: RealmAny can hold lists and dictionaries of mixed data.

RealmAny represents a non-nullable mixed data type. It behaves like the value type that it contains. RealmAny can hold:

  • supported Kotlin data types (note that Byte, Char, Int, Long, and Short values are converted internally to int64_t values)

  • supported BSON types

  • RealmList and RealmDictionary collections of mixed data

  • the following Realm-specific types:

    • RealmInstant

    • RealmUUID

    • RealmObject (holds a reference to the object, not a copy of it)

RealmAny cannot hold EmbeddedRealmObject types, RealmSet, or another RealmAny.

RealmAny properties:

You can store multiple RealmAny instances in RealmList, RealmDictionary, or RealmSet fields.


Handle Polymorphism with Conditional Expressions

Because you must know the stored type to extract its value, we recommend using a when expression to handle the RealmAny type and its possible inner value class.

In version 2.0.0 and later, a RealmAny data type can hold collections (a list or dictionary, but not a set) of RealmAny elements. You can use mixed collections to model unstructured or variable data. For more information, refer to Define Unstructured Data.

  • You can nest mixed collections up to 100 levels.

  • You can query mixed collection properties and register a listener for changes, as you would a normal collection.

  • You can find and update individual mixed collection elements

  • You cannot store sets or embedded objects in mixed collections.

To use mixed collections in your app, define the mixed type property in your data model the same way you would any other RealmAny type. Then, create the list or dictionary collections using RealmAny.create().

The Kotlin SDK offers several collection types that you can use as properties in your data model. A collection is an object that contains zero or more instances of one supported data type. Realm collections are homogenous (all objects in a collection are of the same type) and are backed by their corresponding built-in Kotlin classes.

Collection types are non-null. When you define a collection property, you must initialize it. For more information, refer to Create a Collection.

The RealmList type implements Kotlin's List interface. Unmanaged lists behave like Kotlin's MutableList.

A RealmList represents a to-many relationship containing:

RealmList<E> is a non-null type, where:

  • lists of RealmObject or EmbeddedRealmObject elements cannot be nullable

  • lists of any other supported elements can be nullable (RealmList<E?>)

The RealmSet type implements Kotlin's Set interface. Unmanaged sets behave like Kotlin's MutableSet.

A RealmSet represents a to-many relationship containing distinct values of:

You cannot use EmbeddedRealmObject elements in a RealmSet.

RealmSet<E> is a non-null type, where:

  • sets of RealmObject elements cannot be nullable

  • sets of any other supported elements can be nullable (RealmSet<E?>)

The RealmMap type implements Kotlin's Map interface and is an associative array that contains key-value String pairs with unique keys. RealmDictionary is a specialized RealmMap that accepts a String key and non-string values. Unmanaged dictionaries behave like Kotlin's LinkedHashMap.

RealmDictionary values can be:

RealmDictionary<K, V> is a non-null type, where:

  • keys must be strings

  • RealmObject or EmbeddedRealmObject values must be nullable (RealmDictionary<K, V?>)

  • any other supported element values can be nullable

You can use RealmObject and any subclasses, except AsymmetricRealmObject as properties in your object model.


AsymmetricRealmObject cannot be used as properties. For more information, refer to Asymmetric Objects.

A RealmObject type represents a custom object that you can use as a property.

RealmObject properties:

  • must be declared nullable

  • can be used as elements in collections

  • can be held as a RealmAny value

  • cannot be used as a primary key

You can also reference one or more Realm objects from another through to-one and to-many relationships. For more information, refer to the Relationships page.

A backlink represents an inverse, to-many relationship between a RealmObject and one or more RealmObject or between a RealmObject and an EmbeddedRealmObject. Backlinks cannot be null.

Backlinks implement:

For more information, refer to Inverse Relationships.

An EmbeddedRealmObject is a special type of RealmObject.

EmbeddedRealmObject properties:

  • must be nullable objects within the parent object

  • must be nullable values within a dictionary

  • cannot be nullable elements within a list

  • cannot be used as a primary key

  • can be properties within an asymmetric object

For more information, refer to Embedded Objects.

New in version 1.11.0.

The Kotlin SDK supports geospatial queries using the following data types:


Cannot Persist Geospatial Data Types

Currently, geospatial data types cannot be persisted. For example, you can't declare a property that is of type GeoBox.

These types can only be used as arguments for geospatial queries.

For more information on querying with geospatial data, refer to Geospatial Data.

The Kotlin SDK does not natively support enumerations, or enums. To use enums in a Realm object class, define a field with a type matching the underlying data type of your enum.

Then, create getters and setters for the field that convert the field value between the underlying value and the enum type.

enum class EnumClass(var state: String) {
class EnumObject : RealmObject {
var name: String? = null
private var state: String = EnumClass.NOT_STARTED.state
var stateEnum: EnumClass
get() = EnumClass.valueOf(state)
set(value) {
state = value.state


Define an Object Model


Property Annotations